Answered By: Rudolph Matas Library. Health Sciences Reference Dept.
Last Updated: May 31, 2016     Views: 185

Yes. There is a $1 charge per page + $1 cover sheet  associated with sending faxes.

For faxes less than 3 pages, we recommend the free service

Full Fax policy;

The Matas Library offers fax service as a convenience to the Tulane Downtown Community.  Tulane users may request facsimile (fax) service with charges beginning at $2.00.  A Matas fax coversheet is required.  The forms and information are available at the Matas Information Services Desk, located at 1430 Tulane Ave., 2nd floor.  The service is available 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. weekdays.

Only Tulane community may use the Matas FAX service.  A valid Tulane I.D. is required.  The Library can send faxes to local or long distance numbers, but not to international numbers.

Cost:  $1 Library cover sheet required plus $1.00 for each page ($2.00 minimum charge).  Cash and checks only, no refunds.

Materials related to educational purposes may be faxed. Library usage of the fax equipment takes precedence over community fax usage; so some delay in transmittal may be necessary.  The Library accepts no responsibility for damage to materials during the fax process, so it is suggested that delicate originals first be photocopied and the copies sent as a fax transmission.  Originals may be held for pickup at the Library Desk.  A fax confirmation will be presented as a confirmation of successful transmission; the Library can only guarantee that the fax was sent.  To confirm that a fax was received, it is the responsibility of the user to contact the site for verification.  The Library is not able to receive faxes for individuals.